2023 Cran
MEMBER Meeting & Investment Review


Join us on April 17, 2023 for an evening of celebration, investment opportunities, and professional networking! The event will be held during Bridging Innovation Week at Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, West Virginia.

For Room ReservationS

Hotel accommodations will be held at the Marriott: Fairfield Inn and Suites in Fairmont, WV. If you are planning on attending the event in person and need overnight accommodations, please contact their main desk at (304) 367 – 9150.
Tell them you are with Country Roads Angel Network on November 4th and give them the group code CRAS for a discounted rate.

Directions to OGLEBAY RESORT

From the East: 
  • Take I-68 to I-79 South, then follow the directions below.
From the North: 
  • Take I-79 South to Exit 132 – South Fairmont 
  • Make a left turn at the stoplight onto Rte. 250 South 
  • Turn right onto NASA Boulevard at the next light (in front of Dan Cava Toyota) 
  • Turn right onto Galliher Drive and take immediate right to driveway leading to parking garage (bear left at the “Y”)
  • Visitor parking is available on ground floor level P1, P2 & P3. It is recommended that large SUV’s & trucks park on P1. 
  • Take elevator to the Plaza level (*P) to main entrance 
  • Exit through the parking garage to the right at the opposite side (West end)
From the West:
  • Take Rte. 50 West to I-79 North, then follow the directions below.

From the South: 

  • Take I-79 North to Exit 132 – South Fairmont
  • Make a left turn at the stoplight onto Rte. 250 North 
  • Turn left onto NASA Boulevard at the next light (in front of Dan Cava Toyota)
  • Turn right onto Galliher Drive and take immediate right to driveway leading to parking garage (bear left at the “Y”)
  • Visitor parking is available on ground floor level P1, P2 & P3. It is recommended that large SUV’s & trucks park on P1. 
  • Take elevator located in the middle section of garage to the Plaza level (*P) main entrance 
  • Exit through the parking garage to the right at the opposite side (West end)

special guest speaker

November 4th 2022 Annual Meeting Agenda

4:30 Doors Open: Casual drop-in at Robert H. Mollohan Research Center in Fairmont, WV

4:45 Dinner is Served: Guests are Invited to Get Food

5:00 p.m. Welcome remarks from Kevin Combs, CRAN Board Chairman, and Judy Moore, CRAN Board President

5:10 p.m. Guest Speaker, Brandon Dennison, CEO/President, Coalfield Development and ACT
Now Coalition Lead

5:25 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. Investment Opportunities – Entrepreneur Pitches:
5:25 p.m. – Entrepreneur 1
5:40 p.m. – Entrepreneur 2

5:55 – 6:15 p.m. Investment Opportunity: Diligence Update
Pinheads of Lewisburg 

6:15 – 7:00 p.m. In Conversation – CRAN Impact and Member Engagement
Endolumik; Parthian Battery Solutions; Mountain Steer Meat Company; Pinheads; Lost Creek Farms; Monika
Jaensson, CRAN Board Secretary; Kevin Combs,
CRAN Board Chairman; Moderated by Jina Belcher, Executive Director, New River Gorge Regional
Development Authority (NRGRDA).

7:00 – 7:30 P.M. – Closing Comments and Networking

Disclaimer: No CRAN member is obligated to make an investment with any presenting
companies. If any hands are raised to indicate moving forward, members will have ample time