County Roads Angel Network
3 Quail Cove Road
Charleston, WV
Iconic Air is a portfolio company of Country Roads Angel Network. We invested $320,000 in Iconic Air in exchange for a percentage of equity in the organization, and investors who have participated in this investment are financially tied to Iconic Air and serve as mentors for the founders. Iconic Air’s mission is to help drive sustainability in the Oil and Gas industries by providing an all-in-one Environmental HUB.
A medical device company whose innovation improves bariatric surgery procedures has secured a $360,000 angel investment from Country Roads Angel Network (CRAN), the state’s only accredited angel investment network. CRAN invests in projects spanning all 55 counties of West Virginia.
A small business specializing in the aging of beef will be able to expand operations with a new processing facility thanks to a $100,000 investment made possible by the Country Roads Angel Network (CRAN).
Country Roads Angel Network (CRAN) announced its investment of $100,000 in Cox Telecom, LLC of Oak Hill today. Owner Dan Cox, a new resident to West Virginia, with lifelong family roots in the region, is committed to making a significant difference in the development of broadband upgrades and access in the Mountain State.
Country Roads Angel Network (“CRAN”) announced its investment of $80,000 in Parthian Battery Solutions (“Parthian”) of Morgantown today. Led by founder and CEO Auggie Chico, a West Virginia University finance graduate, Parthian Battery Solutions recertifies and repurposes electric vehicle batteries into low-cost eco-friendly residential and commercial solar energy storage systems.
O Pioneer, the latest feature documentary from Helvetia, West Virginia filmmakers Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque, is touring high profile film festivals with funding support from Country Roads Angel Network (CRAN), West Virginia’s only accredited angel investment network. Today, CRAN announced its $50,000 investment to support the promotion, marketing, and distribution of the film.
County Roads Angel Network
3 Quail Cove Road
Charleston, WV
© Country Roads Angel Network 2025